Hello and welcome to Micro-Task Job Reviews. We started our first website researching reporting and reviewing different Online SEO Jobs (www.OnlineSeoJobs.com) and due to the success of that website we decided to start a more targeted version reviewing Micro-Task Jobs Online.

Therefore on this website we’ll be solely looking at different Micro-Task Jobs and Companies you can work for online.

Micro-Tasks are another way to work online making money, but are much simpler compared to the general nature and more complex work of “Digital Marketing & SEO Work”.

So, for people looking to complete simple Micro-Tasks online, this website is for you!

Who Are We?

We are a small team of digital marketers who met virtually on a message-board while trying to find genuine work opportunities within the Digital Marketing & SEO sector.

What Is This Website About?

We started our first website (www.OnlineSeoJobs.com) to share our experiences about working (and trying to find work) for different online marketing companies.

Our experiences showed us that it was vitally important to report on both the good and bad opportunities we found in order to help others make their own decisions.

We also knew that by reporting on both the good and the bad we would be helping people find work and avoid scams.

During our research we found a huge market demand for Micro-Task work. In fact, we would often be asked to review different companies offering a wide-range of different Micro-Task work.

We felt this didn’t fit in to the typical Online Marketing / SEO Jobs website so to avoid confusion we set up this sister website to report and review different Micro-Task companies.

What Do We Get Out Of It?

We really do believe that honesty is always the best policy with this question, after all very few people run a website for free. Unfortunately running a website has costs associated with it which we have to cover. Plus, one of the best parts about being a Digital Marketer is being able to make money online from multiple sources.

Therefore we will tell you honestly and transparently that for every person who reads one of our reviews and goes on to visit the companies website we either receive a small payment or some other incentive based bonus from the company we’ve reviewed. The benefit for you, as the job-seeker, is that the reviews we post are 100% transparent as we allow readers of this website to comment their own findings. We also post as many (if not more!) negative reviews than positive reviews – meaning you’ll always know we have your best interests at heart!

Finally, if you aren’t convinced what we’re saying in our reviews are genuine then you can do further independent research on any company we’ve reviewed. In fact, throughout this website, you’ll find that we regularly encourage you to do additional research on any company you’re looking to work with!

What Makes Us Genuine?

The reviews we provide are all publicly available and open to comments, reviews and criticism of their own. If the information we provided was “fake” we would have people publicly “calling us out” on it.

We believe this transparency ensures that the information we provide is always honest, unbiased and reliable.

Why Use Our Website?

We believe that through our website you can find an up-to-date list of the best Micro-Task jobs and companies who are trusted and have a track record of providing work to people looking to work from home completing Micro-Tasks online.

What Makes Us Different?

We know that there are so many different companies offering Micro-Task work. What makes us different is that we ONLY review and list Micro-Task companies based of our personal experience and our findings are 100% honest. We also allow readers of this website to comment on our findings which means total transparency.