Spare5 is perfect if you have a Spare 5 minutes available to make a few cents an hour, but that’s the most you’ll ever make.
Rakuten Insight is run by a huge Japanese corporation who offer well paying surveys as long as you’re prepared to wait for them.
Picotasks offer very simple work for pathetic amounts of money and then charge illegal fees to reduce your earnings even further!
Remotasks offer complex and challenging work but still offer low payment rates and require significant training before you can begin.
Microworkers offers work to anyone, anywhere in the world and is free to begin with. Just don’t expect to start quickly, get paid quickly or get paid what you thought you would.
Owned by Amazon, Mechanical Turk (also known by it’s shortname of MTurk) is one of the most reviewed Micro-Task sites in the world and yet we just can’t recommend it!
The UHRS is used by multiple companies to allow people to complete different Micro-Tasks around the world. pay some of the highest payment amounts per Micro-Task but only if you live in the USA and accept that you will only be able to complete a maximum of 2 tasks a day.
We failed the online application for Lionbridge – and we are SO GLAD we did!